
In His grand design, when God first created man, He created the duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of the duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, “Neither is the man without the women, neither the women without the man, in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 11:11) Gender is an essential characteristic of individual pre-mortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. All human being male and female are created in the image of God. My mom's side of the family was born into the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. On the other hand, my dad aka stepdad was not his family were converts. I was taught by loving parents the divine role and characteristics of a daughter of God. I am a female and God created me that way. There is no doubt about it I can be bratty, bossy, sassy, and silly. My mother taught me to act and behave like a young woman of God. To also try to look good and act like you know how to cook and clean. My dad taught me how to get my hands dirty and work hard to provide for myself. I have become the person I am today because of them. I love them so much and I couldn’t have asked for better parents. Even though there are moments and times where you disagree or yell at them. The positive is always over ways the negative doubt without it. Through their teachings and experience, I have never questioned my gender. I know and have a testimony that I am a female also known as a girl. I look like one I talk like one I was raised like one God made me one what else can I say. I have long dirty blonde hair. My body is physically built like a female. I have private parts that classify me as a woman. Why would I ever question or ask myself am I a boy? It psychologically doesn’t make sense to me. My mind and brain don’t understand why people think they are a boy instead of a girl or the other way around. I guess they just don’t know that God created them that way for a reason.

I would like to share a funny story with y’all. One day at our crazy chaotic house in small town Declo, Idaho. My aunt lives next store, so my dad's sister came over. She is all about dying hair, cutting hair, waxing, and going to the tanning bed kind of person. She is also saying let’s dye your hair let's do this to your hair and I'm always like no. Anyway, she came over with hair extensions for my sister Megan I believe. The hair extensions were long straight brown for that type of hair color. They matched my sister's hair perfectly like it was her real hair. My brother Kyle has the same hair color. Who knew siblings have the same hair color? We thought it would be funny to put them in my brother's hair and we did. They looked like the same person. It was ridiculously crazy and hilarious. They had a lot of the same common features between their eyes, eyebrows, face shape, jaw line, and face together. I was amazed at how similar and identical they looked alike. I'm not saying it’s hard to look like a boy or girl if you want to its just the fact that you are changing how God created you. I would like to end by saying God loves you for who you are.
