
Showing posts from May, 2022


“One result of the mysterious nature of love is that no one has ever, to my knowledge, arrived at a truly satisfactory definition of love.” M. Scott Peck Let’s talk about my dating life. Where do I even begin? I remember back in High School I couldn’t wait to turn sixteen so I could begin dating. I was chopping at the bit in fact my first date was a couple of days right after my birthday. I went cave rappelling with my best friend. It was the best first date I could ever ask for I had so much fun. Throughout high school, I went on dates with multiple guys. My parents did not want me to date seriously in high school. I agreed with them it just gets serious real fast. I really enjoyed my dating experience in high school. I got to meet new people and make memories. I was the type of girl that went on random dating with guys I didn’t even know. I have met a lot of boys from different parts of Idaho because of this now some of them are good friends to me. I was taught by my mother and The f...


In His grand design, when God first created man, He created the duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of the duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, “Neither is the man without the women, neither the women without the man, in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 11:11) Gender is an essential characteristic of individual pre-mortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. All human being male and female are created in the image of God. My mom's side of the family was born into the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. On the other hand, my dad aka stepdad was not his family were converts. I was taught by loving parents the divine role and characteristics of a daughter of God. I am a female and God created me that way. There is no doubt about it I can be bratty, bossy, sassy, and silly. My mother taught me to act and behave like a young woman of God. To also try to look good and act like you know how to cook and ...


Traditions are inherited patterns of belief or behavior. As we talked about some family traditions in class, I was thinking about some of my personal family traditions. I would like to share a few with you guys. I call these the Idaho culture. My dad's side of the family has hunted and fished since they were babies. Since I've been in the family, I have adopted this culture into my life. Ever since I was young, up and at them, at the crack of dawn in the morning, I jumped in the boat and rode a couple of hours in the truck towards our destination. I would always bring my pillow so I could take a nap before we got on the water. With the old slow country songs swaying me to sleep. Once we got there, I would grab all my snacks, drinks, blankets, coats, and fishing stuff and throw them in the boat. After that, I would put on my life jacket and hop in the driver's seat in the truck backing up the boat into the water following my dad's instructions with his sign language on w...


Being the youngest of six siblings you get thrown under the bus oldest always goes first. The first person to open the Christmas present, ride in the car's front seat, get food first, and so forth. Safe the best for last the youngest. In growing up in a combined family things were different. Went back and forth with mom for a while then go visit dad for a week. Going to school and friends questioning why you have a different last name than your parents. I wonder why you look nothing like your siblings and dad because they are steps. Every family has a different family story and relation as we discuss in class. With that, every family has multiple different rules and structures for their home. I would like to share a few of my family rules from my perspective.   Number one if you it was yours like you bought it with your own hard-working money write your name on it. I love to eat out and still do. I also love leftovers. When I would go eat out with my friends and bring my food back....