
“One result of the mysterious nature of love is that no one has ever, to my knowledge, arrived at a truly satisfactory definition of love.” M. Scott Peck Let’s talk about my dating life. Where do I even begin? I remember back in High School I couldn’t wait to turn sixteen so I could begin dating. I was chopping at the bit in fact my first date was a couple of days right after my birthday. I went cave rappelling with my best friend. It was the best first date I could ever ask for I had so much fun. Throughout high school, I went on dates with multiple guys. My parents did not want me to date seriously in high school. I agreed with them it just gets serious real fast. I really enjoyed my dating experience in high school. I got to meet new people and make memories. I was the type of girl that went on random dating with guys I didn’t even know. I have met a lot of boys from different parts of Idaho because of this now some of them are good friends to me. I was taught by my mother and The for Strength of Youth to date around, have fun, have experience, good to know other individuals, and their attributes. So, when the time comes you know what you like and what you are looking for. I realized it is not all about looks which back in high school that’s all it was for me. I have learned and grown from that experience. I wouldn’t go back to high school, but I don’t regret anything I did. I personally feel like I had a really great experience dating. Yes, I had those awkward he is super shy and doesn’t talk dates, but I made the best of it. My advice for dating in high school would be to make friends don’t get all serious with some guy that just leads to problems and drama.
Living the college life is the dream. When I moved out and went to college, I was ready to get a boyfriend. I wanted that and so I was looking. A couple of guys came along and went. It was always just the timing was off. They were headed on missions; I was leaving back home for the summer you know it just didn’t work. It made me sad because I really liked some of them and wanted it to work out between us. When I fell for a guy let me tell you it was hard. I fell hard. I had a desire to get a boyfriend and I was trying my hardest. One year went by and I still hadn’t had a boyfriend doesn’t mean I went on dates. Once again met a lot of new boys and make some fantastic friends but I was sick of it. This kept on repeating and repeating I would meet a guy and get to know him for about a month then it was done. It was super hard on me because I didn’t know what to do or how to fix it.

One year later, I found someone who loves me for who I am. The definition of love is sacrifice. He sacrifices everything for me all his time, money, and heart goes to me. I wouldn’t have asked for a better man who also loves the gospel and is striving to be better every single day. He is everything I could ask for and more. His personality is sweet, kind, caring, loving, funny, outgoing, and energetic. He keeps me on my toes. His looks are handsome, strong, brave, courageous, and one hard-working cowboy. I love him and get to call him mine.
