
You'll eat your words. Parenting is a big topic in our family. I am the youngest of six with two nieces and two nephews with one on the way here shortly. I love them all dearly they call me Telli. It is super hard not to judge other people and their parenting skills when their kid is screaming in Walmart or running out in the street. Trust me I have seen some crazy situations where the parent is not parenting, or the kid controls the parent. Nowadays you can't go somewhere without hearing a kid break down crying throwing a fit yelling you know the usual. Why is that? There are my theories and reason why my opinion they are not parenting correctly. The parent just yells at their kid back or says stop it their approach is wrong. “To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day as you deal with challenges which inevitably come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them.” -President Thomas S. Monson

1.  Ask your teen to help decide the consequences.

2.  Put the consequence in the form of a choice.

a.   If/when or

b.   When/then

3.  Makes sure the consequence is really logical.

4.  Give consequences you can live with.

5.  Keep your voice firm and calm.

6.  Give the choice one time, then act.

7.  Expect testing.

8.  Allow your teen to try again later.

These are the 8 guidelines we talked about in class to help parent your teen or child. I believe if you follow these principles, you will see a change in the long run. I have always told myself I will never let my kid do that or try that or wear that or parent them like that. They will never have runny noses or slobber all over them. Well, my aunt told me one day just wait Kelli you’ll eat all your words just like I did. She continued to tell me I thought the same thing she mentioned how she would judge and criticize my mom on how she parented, and she would never ever ever be a parent like that. Now she has an eight-year-old boy and a five-year-old boy and praises my mom always asking how did you raise seven? 

Kids are not easy I have been around kids my whole life babysitting and watching them all the time honestly, I got burnt out. I absolutely love them adored them wanted to play with them now it's different. I don’t have that desire anymore not saying I don’t want kids of my own I really do it's just here and there I will play and be involved with them instead of all the time. I have noticed you need a balance of playing, sleeping, and eating. It is essential for kids to get enough sleep they are growing and need as much rest as they can get. Along with that, they need lots of food and water so they can stay healthy and strong. They need playing time so they can learn and grow physically and mentally. With that, there should be a solid routine with all three of those concepts daily. I have seen all my siblings’ parent and their approaches are all extremely different. I have gained many experiences and knowledge just sitting back and watching either with a cringe or a smile on my face. They just can’t wait until I have my own kids.
